3 ![Omnibus F4](https://quadmeup.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Omnibus-F4-Pinout-Top-Full-768x447.jpg)
5 * For Omnibus F4 Pro (with BMP280 baro, current sensor and SD Card use Omnibus F4 Pro target)
6 * For Omnibus F4 Pro Corner use Omnibus F4 Pro target
11 * Integrated Accelerometer/Gyro MPU6000 or MPU6500 via SPI bus
13 * 3 UART ports (UART1, UART3, UART6)
14 * External I2C bus, pins shared with UART3, cannot be used simultaneously
16 * Blackbox via SDCard or integrated 128mbit flash memory
26 * Linear voltage stabilizer, tends to overheat
27 * SBUS inverter connected to UART1
28 * PPM and UART1 can be used together when S.BUS jumper is removed (close to PPM/SBUS connector)
29 * 128mbit flash memory for Blackbox
30 * Uses target **OMNIBUSF4**
34 * Switching voltage regulator - solves problem of overheating BEC
35 * SD Card slot instead of flash memory
36 * SBUS inverter connected to UART6
37 * PPM and UART6 can be used together when S.BUS jumper is removed (close to PPM/SBUS connector)
38 * Uses target **OMNIBUSF4V3**
42 * Switching voltage regulator - solves problem of overheating BEC
43 * SD Card slot instead of flash memory
44 * SBUS inverter connected to UART6
45 * PPM and UART6 cannot be used together, there is no jumper to disconnect PPM input from UART6 RX
46 * Uses target **OMNIBUSF4V3**
50 * Sometimes called Omnibus F4 v2 Pro, but also exists v3, v4 & v5 versions with no functional differences
51 * Switching voltage regulator - solves problem of overheating BEC
52 * LC filter for camera and VTX
53 * SD Card slot instead of flash memory
54 * SBUS inverter connected to UART1
55 * PPM and UART1 can be used together when S.BUS jumper is removed (close to PPM/SBUS connector)
56 * Integrated current meter
57 * Uses target **OMNIBUSF4PRO**
59 ### Omnibus F4 Pro Corner
61 * Switching voltage regulator - solves problem of overheating BEC
62 * LC filter for camera and VTX
63 * SD Card slot instead of flash memory
64 * SBUS inverter connected to UART3
65 * Integrated current meter
66 * Uses target **OMNIBUSF4PRO**
76 This board does not support Parallel PWM receiver connection. Only SerialRX, PPM and MSP receivers are supported.
78 SerialRX and PPM receivers should be connected to dedicated _PPM SBUS_ connector above _Motor 1_. MSP receivers should be connected to one of UARTs configured as MSP.
93 This board uses STM32 VCP and _not_ utilizes UART when USB is connected. STM32 VCP drivers might be required!
95 Flashing requires DFU mode and STM32 DFU drivers. Use [Zadig](http://zadig.akeo.ie) tool to install WinUSB driver on Windows.
99 5V piezo buzzer should be connected directly to dedicated pins _BUZ +_ and _BUZ -_. No additional hardware is required.
103 * Connected to pin PA0
104 * 3.3V tolerant, do not supply 5V
108 * Connected to pin PC1
109 * 3.3V tolerant, do not supply 5V
111 ## Voltage monitoring
113 * Connected to pin PC2
114 * Connected to VBAT pins (both are the same) and integrated Voltage Stabilizer (LM7805M)
116 ## Integrated voltage stabilizer (Omnibus F4 v1 only)
118 It is integrated with voltage monitoring and always powered when VBAT is connected to battery.
119 Because this is a **Linear Stabilizer**, it has a tendency to overheat, especially on 4S. Because of that,
120 avoid powering too many devices directly to 5V pins on the board. RX receiver (and board itself) is rather all
121 it can do without overeating (150mA on 4S gives 1.5W of waste heat!). OSD, LED Strip and other devices should powered from separate BEC if voltage monitoring is to be enabled.
125 LED strip is enabled as indicated on flight controller silkscreen or schematics.
126 For INAV versions before v1.8.0, LED strip was shared with Motor 5 pin (PA1).
130 This board allows for single **SoftwareSerial** port on small soldering pads located on the bottom side of the board.
131 Please note that this is *not* the motor PWM5/PWM6 pins, but small surface mount pads CH5/CH6.
133 | Pad | SoftwareSerial Role |
138 ## FrSky SmartPort using SoftwareSerial
140 SmartPort telemetry is possible using SoftwareSerial. RX and TX lines have to be bridged using
141 1kOhm resistor (confirmed working with 100Ohm, 1kOhm and 10kOhm)
144 SmartPort ---> RX (CH5 pad) ---> 1kOhm resistor ---> TX (CH6 pad)
147 * Telemetry has to be inverted with `set telemetry_inversion = ON`
148 * Port should be configured for _57600bps_
149 * Tested with FrSky X4R(SB), XSR, XSR-M, XSR-E